
Belief, Purpose, and Passion: The Essence of Genuine Service

Explore the journey of aligning personal beliefs with business purpose, and how genuine service and clear communication can make a lasting impact.

Belief, Purpose and Passion

Have you ever heard the phrase “that person could sell ice to an Eskimo”?

I would be willing to bet that person had total belief in what they were offering. Not only that, but they also understood their purpose. When you offer something that aligns with your core purpose, passion comes through.

I've spent years working with customers and developing my "why." I want my customers to succeed, and I want to help them solve their problems. I have an outstanding relationship with one of my current clients and I often think back to how it all started.

A Memorable Cold Call

Years ago, I walked into their business on a cold call. My discussion with them centered around how I could help them. We walked through their hallways and there was a copier with a piece of paper on it that said “DO NOT USE, BROKEN AGAIN”.

I observed people going to the opposite end of the building to get their print jobs or to scan or make a copy. It was very clear that there was frustration and now a lack of efficiency.

This is an important story for me because it exemplifies the core belief of why I do what I do. It reminds me that action, not talk, matters. Clear communication has to lead to getting things done.

Everyone is important and deserves excellent service.

The reason I love working with DCS is because my core purpose aligns with the team’s purpose. The thing that drives everything is our inner passion is to help people. To help businesses. That is why we do what we do. And that gives me passion every day to go and find more ways to serve our customers.

When the motivation is to help, everything else falls into place. It doesn't matter if it’s helping a make a business more efficient, take care of a pain point they have. Take care of their problem and make their life easier.

The Importance of Core Purpose

It's so easy to get bogged down in agendas, plans, goals and processes. Those things are all very important. But they can't become more important than the core purpose of helping others succeed.

We work hard to keep our core "why" crystal clear. We are committing extra time over the coming months to further clarify our "why."

In my career I've found that it is crucial to find an organization that you understand their core beliefs. Why they do what they do.

Passion and belief is what turns a job into a career, and makes it feel more like family. It’s what drives hard work, loyalty, and success.

To quote Simon Sinek “Martin Luther King did say, I have a dream – not I have a plan”. Our dream is to build a work future where your work tools don't stop you from working on your dream.

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