
Building a Foundation of Honor: The Core of Who We Are

Dive into the significance of being honorable in both personal and professional life, and how it shapes the essence of our identity and actions.



The last letter in our company core values acronym stands for HONORABLE. Ethical, personable, and humble are the pillars that define this value. While all our company values are foundational, being honorable holds a unique place—it's the bedrock of "Who We Are."

Success isn't just about results measured in dollars. True success is intertwined with authenticity and honor. While some may achieve "success" without being honorable, such victories are often fleeting and empty.

The Authenticity Spectrum

Life isn't a "Disney Movie" where characters are simply good or bad. In reality, we all exist on a spectrum of authenticity. The real question isn't about where we currently stand, but rather, "Which direction are we heading in?"

Transforming our actions is straightforward, but changing our essence is a monumental task. While we often recognize the flaws in others, we must also be introspective and aware of our own shortcomings.

Judging others can be a double-edged sword. While it's easy to point out flaws in others, we must remember that introspection is the key to personal growth.

Our judgments reflect our worldview. By recognizing and accepting them, we open the door to self-transformation and align closer to our authentic selves.

Trust the process of inward reflection. Just as a caterpillar transforms within a cocoon, we too have the potential for profound change when we look within.

Serving with Honor

Every day, we strive to make decisions that resonate with our core values. By doing so, we aim to serve our customers, our team, and the broader community with utmost honor and authenticity.

“The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart…even with hearts overwhelmed with evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained. And even in the best of all hearts, there remains…an uprooted small corner of evil.”

  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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